Search result for: "Armenia"

Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon

As geopolitical tensions escalate, the U.S. wields its most formidable weapon—not military might, but a sophisticated network of political and informational control that reshapes nations and regions to serve its interests
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Why Are Islamists Claiming Non-Muslim Land?

NEW YORK, US: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan keeps increasingly referring to places outside Turkey as "our lands." In his statement following the presidential cabinet meeting on November 20, Erdogan said:
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Peace In Nagorno-Karabakh Will Promote European Energy Security

MICHIGAN, U.S.--In September, Armenia and Azerbaijan renewed their battle over the contested territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Significant escalation occurred on September 13, when Azerbaijan upped the ante and attacked cities along Armenia’s border. 

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Putin-Xi Meeting At Summit Marks The Rise Of Eurasia

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Even as the Ukraine war enters a new phase with significant Russian losses in the Donbass, the center of diplomatic gravity this week will be in the historic city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan, where the annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is taking place.

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U.S. Maintains Large Network of Bio-Labs Worldwide

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the issue of U.S. funded and supported biological laboratories has come under the spotlight with many questions being asked over what their ultimate purpose is.

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Unintended Consequences: A Heyday For The Geopolitics Of Eurasian Transport

SINGAPORE CITY, Singapore--When Russia invaded Ukraine, it took itself off the map of Eurasian transport corridors linking China and Europe. At the same time, it breathed new life into moribund routes that would allow goods to travel across the Eurasian landmass without traversing Russia. It also opened the door to greater Russian connectivity with the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia.

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Will Erdogan Be The Biggest Winner In Ukraine Crisis?

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Just a few months ago, Turkey was in a bit of a tough spot. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s years-long move away from Western liberalism had rendered Ankara the black sheep of the NATO family. 
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Will The U.S. Lead Or Continue To 'Lose Ground'?

NEW YORK, U.S.--The world is seeing Vladimir Putin's clear plan to reestablish the Russian Empire. It also is hearing rumblings from Asia about restoration of a Chinese dynasty, and in the Middle East, a return to when Persia -- now an extremely different Iran -- dominated the region.

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Turkey: Occupies Northern Cyprus, Goes for the Rest

NEW YORK, U.S.--Aggression by Turkey's military appears to be on the rise in Cyprus -- in areas it does not yet occupy. According to the Cypriot media, on February 8, Turkish soldiers approached Greek Cypriot farmers working in fields near the village of Denia in the United Nations "Buffer Zone," and threatened to kill them if they did not leave.

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Kazakh Unrest A Problem For Region’s Despots

HONG KONG, China--The Russian troops who arrived to prop up the Tokayev government in Kazakhstan may have helped stabilise the country for now. 

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