Search result for: "Black Sea"
Global Shadow Tanker Fleet Moves Growing Volumes Of Sanctioned Oil
Turkey's BRICS Gambit Is Just What Russia Ordered
Making Peace The Only Pathway To Preserve Ukraine's Statehood
Ukraine Must Make Peace To Preserve Its Statehood Before It is Swept Away
Europeans Last Ditch Clutch At Ukrainian Victory
Global Warming And 'Big Bad Oil'
Turkey Celebrates Centenary Of The Republic In Shadow Of War
Why Ukraine’s offensive has stalled
LONDON, UK: Whenever Russian missiles strike a Ukrainian city, or Kyiv’s drones target a building in Moscow, the attacks are inevitably followed by the sort of media coverage worthy of a Blitz raid. Yet generating headlines is just about their only achievement: precision missiles cannot deliver much explosive, and drones even less. As for their great accuracy, it is only effective when valuable targets can be identified — something which is hard to do except against tanks on the battlefield and warships floating on open water.
Turkey’s Elections: What’s At Stake?
WASHINGTON, U.S.:Few can predict the outcome of this Sunday’s critical presidential elections in Turkey. Polls suggest considerable voter dissatisfaction within the country after over two decades of domination by the AK party of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan — a figure who has dominated the Turkish political order for so long that, for some, change seems almost inconceivable and unsettling.
Bridging Free And Open Spaces Serves U.S. Interests
WASHINGTON, U.S.-American interests are advanced by bridging the world’s free and open spaces, thereby preventing authoritarian regimes from dividing the world into hard spheres of control.
Fall Of Kiev Looms As Russian Offensive Gathers Steam
SMO-The Russian army will soon begin a full-scale offensive in Ukraine. The appointment of General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Valery Gerasimov as Commander of the Joint Group of Troops (Forces) of the Russian Federation in the Special Military Operation Zone (SMO) was the personnel reshuffle that will determine the further conduct of the SMO.
‘Dramatically’ Evolving Conflict Highlights Importance Of Multilateralism, Security Council Hears
NEW YORK, U.S.--Inter-State wars, terrorism, divided collective security, and peacekeeping limitations remain the same challenges facing multilateralism as when the UN was founded 76 years ago, Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Wednesday.
Turkey's Looming Invasion Of Syria Tests US-Kurdish Ties
LONDON, UK--Turkey’s threatened incursion into northern Syria is testing US efforts to balance between an important counterterrorism partner in the Middle East and a pivotal geopolitical ally in the war in Ukraine.
How A Lightly-Sourced AP Story Almost Set Off World War III
WASHINGTON, U.S.--At approximately 1 pm EST yesterday, reports emerged that a pair of rockets had slammed into a quiet farming town in Poland. The tragic blast killed two locals, marking the first time that the war in Ukraine bled over into NATO territory.
The U.S., China, And Great Power Competition In The Middle East
WASHINGTON, U.S.--It’s official. The Biden administration agrees with the Trump administration that almost everything that happens in world affairs can be explained by two interlocking zero-sum contests. One is geopolitical, as in ‘great power rivalry.’ The other is ideological, as in ‘democracy vs. authoritarianism.’
US Expands Military Presence Near Russian Border
MICHIGAN, U.S.--This month, the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division deployed to Europe for the first time since the Second World War as part of a major military buildup of NATO’s front line along the borders of Ukraine and Russia.
Collective West Should Look At Itself In The Mirror Before Accusing Others Of Terrorism
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--The collective West comprising mainly of the U.S., the European Union (EU) and their colonies of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have for a long time accused their enemies of terrorism.
Ukraine Pays The Price For Great Power Tantrums
To Ease Global Hunger, Restart Russian-Ukrainian Ammonia Exports
WASHINGTON, U.S.--President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he would back resuming Russian ammonia exports through Ukraine only if Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) were released. This is a non-starter for several reasons, not the least of which is that Ukraine too would earn substantial fees from transporting the ammonia.