Search result for: "CSIS"

How South China Sea Tensions Threaten Global Trade

The post-COVID era has been punishing for global trade. Lockdowns and factory closures sparked supply chain delays worldwide and helped fuel decades-high inflation
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New Details Emerge Of Russia’s Potential Nuclear Space Weapon

The Biden administration is taking to the bully pulpit to voice its conviction that Russia is moving to put a nuclear weapon in space designed to destroy satellites — with a senior State Department official for the first time today explaining that the concern is centered on a specific satellite development Moscow claims is aimed at testing electronics.
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Was Nuland Fired For Her Role In The Ukraine Debacle?

ALBANY, US: Victoria Nuland’s retirement is an admission that Washington’s premier foreign policy project has failed. No government official is more identified with the Ukraine fiasco than Nuland. 
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Turkey's Looming Invasion Of Syria Tests US-Kurdish Ties

LONDON, UK--Turkey’s threatened incursion into northern Syria is testing US efforts to balance between an important counterterrorism partner in the Middle East and a pivotal geopolitical ally in the war in Ukraine.

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US Urged To Clarify Approach To Cambodia's Drift Toward China

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Over the past decade the United States has been torn between "righteous indignation" and "democratic backsliding and pragmatic engagement," in its dealings with Cambodia, according to a recent report that criticizes Washington for issuing sanctions on Cambodia as a way to reverse its deteriorating record on human rights and return the country to a democratic path.

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China Closer To Dominating Southeast Asia

NEW YORK, U.S.--While the world is preoccupied with Ukraine, China continues to make aggressive moves in the South China Sea, almost the entirety of which China claims to be part of its territory. 

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Ukraine Invasion A Wakeup Call For Taiwan

SACRAMENTO, U.S.--Russia’s attack on Ukraine has profoundly rattled Taiwan, prompting the island to double down on the buildup of its own missile force. 

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Contest at Kasawari: Another Malaysian gas project faces Chinese pressure

Since early June, China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels have been contesting new Malaysian oil and gas development off the coast of Sarawak. The activity coincides with a patrol by Chinese military planes near Malaysia, which prompted scrambles by Malaysian aircraft and recriminations from Kuala Lumpur.  This is at least the third time since last spring that the CCG has harassed Malaysian energy exploration. It demonstrates again Beijing’s persistence in challenging its neighbors’ oil and gas activities within their own exclusive economic zones. And the air patrol, which was likely not a coincidence, suggests Beijing’s willingness to engage in parallel escalation to pressure other claimants to back down.
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