Search result for: "China Coast Guard (CCG)"

Malaysia Must Be Bold, Strategic in South China Sea

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia’s conventional and decades old approach to the South China Sea conflict in using quiet and backdoor diplomacy is once again in the limelight with the repeated incursions and grey zone operations by Beijing over the years, the latest on February 17 where the China Coast Guard 5403 vessel sailed off the coast of Malaysia. Most of these including the latest incident did not get much awareness and attention.
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Wang Yi’s Poorly Received Visit Reveals Growing Rift Between Malaysia, China

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia--In what should have been a consolatory meeting following a failed tour of the Pacific Island nations, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s June 5th visit to Malaysia’s Sabah state has sparked controversy and revealed a deepening rift between the two countries.

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Contest at Kasawari: Another Malaysian gas project faces Chinese pressure

Since early June, China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels have been contesting new Malaysian oil and gas development off the coast of Sarawak. The activity coincides with a patrol by Chinese military planes near Malaysia, which prompted scrambles by Malaysian aircraft and recriminations from Kuala Lumpur.  This is at least the third time since last spring that the CCG has harassed Malaysian energy exploration. It demonstrates again Beijing’s persistence in challenging its neighbors’ oil and gas activities within their own exclusive economic zones. And the air patrol, which was likely not a coincidence, suggests Beijing’s willingness to engage in parallel escalation to pressure other claimants to back down.
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