Search result for: "Cyberattacks"

Is The World Ready For The New Era Of Deterrence?

WASHINGTON, U.S.--The twenty-first century will challenge the concept of deterrence in new ways. Some are already apparent. There are at least nine important components of the new metaverse for deterrence (or meta-deterrence) that will be significant for military planners, policymakers, and theorists.

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Protests In Iran Make Restoring The JCPOA More Urgent Than Ever

WASHINGTON, U.S.--The Iran hawks never miss an opportunity to get things wrong. As the murder of a young Iranian woman Mahsa Amini by the infamous “morality police” in Tehran triggered nationwide protests, Nikki Haley, former President Trump’s ambassador to the UN, warned against Washington getting into a deal with “anyone who treats their people this way.” Trump’s secretary of state Mike Pompeo, true to form, called for more sanctions on Iran.

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Will Russia Make A Military Move Against Ukraine? Follow These Clues

WASHINGTON, U.S.--For weeks, the eyes of the world have been on a Russian troop buildup near Ukraine, as Western officials struggle to decipher Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intent: beef up his attack on Ukrainian sovereignty, or bluff his way to key concessions?

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Cyber Warfare 2022 Will Be 2021 On Steroids

JERUSALEM, Israel--The Jerusalem Post was only the first of many newly hacked victims that cyberwarfare will claim in 2022, as threats from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and others go into overdrive.

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