Search result for: "ESG"

Persaingan Blok Dan Masa Depan PBB

Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (United Nations General Assembly atau UNGA) ke-79 yang baru sahaja selesai tidak memberikan impak yang signifikan terhadap senario konflik global
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The Bloc Divide And The Future Of The UN

The recently concluded 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) provided little to no credible impact on the growing dire global conflict scenarios
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Washington's Struggles To Maintain Influence In Asia-Pacific Region

The ability of the United States to pursue its foreign policy in Southeast Asia, aimed at countering China and strategically containing Russia, is shrinking as the member states refuse to participate in Washington's efforts to contain Russian and China.

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Wan Junaidi: A steady hand and unsung reformist

Law minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar has been in the news a lot recently but unlike many other politicians who are the subject of media coverage

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The "Great Reset": A Blueprint For Destroying Freedom, Innovation, And Prosperity

NEW YORK, U.S.--How do nations become wealthy? Many are blessed with abundant natural resources. Others conquer foreign lands. Some specialize in unique trade skills and crafts. Timber, mining, fishing, sugar, rum, narcotics, cotton, silk, agriculture, conquest, human slavery, manufacturing, oil, industry, banking, and so on — depending on the century and the region, nations have attained tremendous wealth in myriad ways. Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. There must be recognized value in what a nation and its citizens possess.

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Will Erdogan Be The Biggest Winner In Ukraine Crisis?

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Just a few months ago, Turkey was in a bit of a tough spot. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s years-long move away from Western liberalism had rendered Ankara the black sheep of the NATO family. 
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Be Extra Sensitive Of US CBP's Forced Labour Rule To Circumvent WRO Pitfall

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Last Thursday (June 2), the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) clarified to the Malaysian media how it derived evidence of forced labour allegations and how it pursued its investigations that led to products from six Malaysian firms still being prevented from entering the US market after being slapped with Withhold Release Orders (WROs).

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Malaysia Mesti Mempertimbangkan Implikasi Sebelum Menyertai IPEF

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Biro Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa Pejuang  mengikuti dengan penuh minat penyertaan Malaysia yang belum selesai dalam Rangka Kerja Ekonomi Indo-Pasifik (IPEF) tajaan Amerika Syarikat berikutan lawatan Perdana Menteri ke Rumah Putih baru-baru ini.

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Future-Proof Palm Oil From Adverse Western Propaganda

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--The push by developed economies against palm oil – the most produced, consumed and traded edible oil – in favour of protecting the soybean (the second most-produced edible oil) trade is well-known.

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Klang Valley Highway Restructuring: Beware Of ‘Potholes’ In Re-Privatization

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--On 4th April the prime minister proudly announced that the toll for the Klang Valley highway concessions will be fixed at current rates until the end of the concession period. This involves KESAS (expiration date: 2028), LDP (2030), SPRINT (2034), and SMART (2042).

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US Coal Stockpiles Near Historic Lows

NEW YORK, U.S.--The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) says in its latest short-term energy outlook (pdf) that coal inventories in the electric power industry reached 93.7 million tons as of December 2021—an increase since September, when stockpiles hit a historic low not seen since the Carter administration.

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Happy New Year 2022!

JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia--Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic was first reported, despite the occasional challenges of new variants, many observers seem to think that the worst of the pandemic is behind us. I hope they are right.

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