Search result for: "George W. Bush"

US Foreign Policy In 2025

As the US presidential election draws near, many are wondering what it will mean for American foreign policy. The answer is wrapped in uncertainty
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What An Even Stronger Modi Might Mean For US-India Relations

WASHINGTON, US: To many observers, the leadership of President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has marked an emerging shift in the Indo-American relationship, pointing towards a new era of mutual alignment.
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On 75th Anniversary, NATO Is At A Serious Crossroads

WASHINGTON, US: Seventy five years ago today – April 4, 1949 — foreign ministers of the United States, Canada, and 10 West European countries concluded the Treaty of Washington, creating what became the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
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The Future Of Missile Defense

WASHINGTON, US: Policymakers in the Cold War became accustomed to a world in which mutual deterrence was based on a balance of terror, with technology favoring offense over defense. 
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Iran-Pakistan Tensions And China’s Diplomatic Cards

WASHINGTON, US: Iran and Pakistan’s unprecedented cross-border strikes on January 16 and 18 were as unsettling as they were surprising. Although Tehran has long seen Baloch separatist groups operating in Pakistan’s Balochistan province and Iran’s Sistan and Balochistan provinces as a grave threat, officials in Islamabad were caught off guard when Iran fired a barrage of missiles at two Jaish al-Adl bases without coordination with Pakistan. The Pakistani army then retaliated by firing drones and missiles at the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) targets near the Iranian city of Saravan.
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Does Biden Care About China’s Theft Of American Technology?

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Depending on one’s biases, the Biden administration has done either too much of one thing or too little of another. One area where it has done nothing is in protecting U.S. interests in trade with China.

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Tackling the Iranian Regime's Nuclear Threat

NEW YORK, U.S.--If we closely examine the Iranian regime's nuclear file, it reveals that no deal will stop the ruling mullahs of Iran from pursuing their nuclear ambitions.
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China's Strategic Dilemmas

SACRAMENTO, U.S.--The war in Ukraine has lasted a month. Russian President Vladimir Putin badly miscalculated and Xi Jinping followed him into a strategic dead-end with no easy exit.

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What Will China Do If Russia Escalates In Ukraine?

WASHINGTON, U.S.--There’s been a “quantum shift” in the relationship between the world’s two largest authoritarian powers, said former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

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A Very Long War: The Common Project Behind Vietnam And Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, U.S.--In the long and storied history of the United States Army, many young officers have served in many war zones. Few, I suspect, were as sublimely ignorant as I was in the summer of 1970 upon my arrival at Cam Ranh Bay in the Republic of Vietnam.

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The War On Terror Is A Smashing Success — For Terror

WASHINGTON, U.S.--It began more than two decades ago. On September 20, 2001, President George W. Bush declared a “war on terror” and told a joint session of Congress (and the American people) that “the course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain.” 

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US Is Not A Beacon Of Democracy

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation issued the following statement on December 1, 2021 regarding the planned US “summit for democracy”.

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We May Have Left Afghanistan, Mr. President, But We Are Still at War

On Tuesday, Joe Biden presented his first United Nations General Assembly speech as president. I labored through almost 32 minutes of the speech when a most profound announcement was proclaimed: "I stand here today for the first time in 20 years with the United States not at war."
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The Collective Suicide Machine and the Fall of Kabul

The debacle in Afghanistan, which will unravel into chaos with lightning speed over the next few weeks and ensure the return of the Taliban to power, is one more signpost of the end of the American empire. The two decades of combat, the one trillion dollars we spent, the 100,000 troops deployed to subdue Afghanistan, the high-tech gadgets, artificial intelligence, cyberwarfare, Reaper drones armed with Hellfire missiles and GBU-30 bombs and the Global Hawk drones with high-resolution cameras, Special Operations Command composed of elite rangers, SEALs and air commandos, black sites, torture, electronic surveillance, satellites, attack aircraft, mercenary armies, infusions of millions of dollars to buy off and bribe the local elites and train an Afghan army of 350,000 that has never exhibited the will to fight, failed to defeat a guerrilla army of 60,000 that funded itself through opium production and extortion in one of the poorest countries on earth.

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