Search result for: "IDEAS"

The US Wants Credit For Assad's Ouster

Officials in the Biden administration are taking credit for creating conditions in Syria that enabled opposition forces to overthrow the Syrian government
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Meta Platforms And YouTube Ban RT Worldwide

Meta Platforms—the owner of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram—announced on Monday that it was banning Russian state media outlets such as Russia Today
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Time To Terminate US Counter-Terrorism Programs In Africa

WASHINGTON, US: Every so often I am reminded of how counter-productive US engagement in the world has become. Of how, after miserable failure after failure, this country’s foreign policy makers keep trying to run the globe and fail again. From the strategic defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan to the feckless effort to sway the excessive Israeli military operation in Gaza, the US has squandered its power, exceeded its capabilities, and just plain failed.
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Tanking Think Tank

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Since the 14th General Election (GE14), Malaysia has witnessed a whirlwind of transformative changes, with the nation eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of Pakatan Harapan’s ambitious election promises.
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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Three Decades, Three Paradigm Shifts: How The Internet Transformed China

BEIJING, China: On April 20, 1994, China established its first full internet access, marking a profound transformative phase in various aspects of the country's economic and social spheres over the next three decades. I will not dwell on the significance of the internet to the Chinese economy. Instead, I aim to explore how the internet has influenced Chinese social paradigms.
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Xi’s Whirlwind European Tour, Playing Mediator To Mixed Reviews

WASHINGTON, US: When Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in France this week, the world’s conflicts were top of mind. Press reports tended to fixate on whether French President Emmanuel Macron could press Xi to distance himself from Russia. But ultimately, the leaders’ focus drifted farther south.
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“Do Not Cross The Red Line, Anwar Must Stop That From Happening”

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: WHERE is the red line? Listen, just because one uses God as the basis of one’s actions, that does not justify breaking the law or inciting hatred or asking people to boycott and destroy the business of the country. There must be limits to your anger. 
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Embracing The Year Of The Dragon

BEIJING, China: Chinese people, and people throughout the world, are looking forward to welcoming the Year of the Dragon, which falls on February 10, 2024. The Dragon is considered the most auspicious of the 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac and this year is specifically the Year of the Wood Dragon, the first since 1964. 
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Political Will Needed To Reform Labour Migration

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The Plantations and Commodities Minister, Datuk Seri Johari has called for punitive action against employers abusing the recruitment of migrant labour into the country.  He proposed the employer be fined up to RM30,000 for each affected worker. 
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