Search result for: "IPEF"
The Bloc Divide And The Future Of The UN
Strategi Baharu Moscow Pikat Malaysia Dan Kuasa Serantau
Putin’s New Regional Friend-shoring And Courting Of Malaysia
South Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: A Ray Of Hope Or Losing Steam?
BRICS: Kuasa Baharu Atau Potensi Merudum?
Malaysia's Bid For BRICS Membership Signals Major Policy Failure For US
Is BRICS Resilient And Powerful Enough?
De-dollarisation, Economic Diversification Attract Malaysia to BRICS
Usaha Australia Pikat ASEAN Dalam Menangkis Perluasan Beijing
India’s Checkmate Of China’s Power And Lifeline For Malaysia
China's Decaying BRI Weakens Its Strategy Against Russia And The West
Is ASEAN The Indo-Pacific's Ultimate Power Broker?
WASHINGTON, US: China and the United States, like sports captains picking sides, have been engaged in a considered effort to enlist partners.
ASEAN Must Change Or Face Irrelevance
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:The 42nd ASEAN Summit and related meetings in Indonesia earlier this month (May 10-11) took place at the most critical crossroads for the immediate and long-term relevance of ASEAN and its role in the region and beyond.
ASEAN Must Change Or Face Irrelevance
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:The 42nd ASEAN Summit and related meetings in Indonesia earlier this month (May 10-11) took place at the most critical crossroads...
Biden Steps Up Engagement With ASEAN Amid China Rivalry And Global Conflict
WASHINGTON, U.S.--U.S. President Joe Biden offered rare praise for Cambodia’s authoritarian premier as he encouraged diplomatic support for ending the war in Ukraine and bringing peace to Myanmar at a summit with Southeast Asian leaders on Saturday.
New US Attempt To Push IPEF Will Just Be More Empty Words
BEIJING, China--The US will host a ministerial meeting on Tuesday, bringing together officials representing the 14 member countries that have joined the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), as Washington seeks to expand its engagement with Asia, Reuters reported. The meeting will be hosted by US Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.
Wang Yi’s Ill-Timed Visit Fails To Keep Malaysia In China’s Sphere Of Influence
KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia--Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Ti’s recent visit to Malaysia could hardly come at a worse time as the Southeast Asian country seeks to move further away from Beijing’s sphere of influence.
Wang Yi’s Poorly Received Visit Reveals Growing Rift Between Malaysia, China
KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia--In what should have been a consolatory meeting following a failed tour of the Pacific Island nations, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s June 5th visit to Malaysia’s Sabah state has sparked controversy and revealed a deepening rift between the two countries.
Malaysia Mesti Mempertimbangkan Implikasi Sebelum Menyertai IPEF
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Biro Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa Pejuang mengikuti dengan penuh minat penyertaan Malaysia yang belum selesai dalam Rangka Kerja Ekonomi Indo-Pasifik (IPEF) tajaan Amerika Syarikat berikutan lawatan Perdana Menteri ke Rumah Putih baru-baru ini.