Search result for: "LNG"
Tumpuan Baharu India Terhadap Indo-Pasifik
India’s Renewed Focus On The Indo-Pacific
China's shift in LNG sanctions: Russian projects face a freeze
LNG New-buildings Take Center Stage
ASEAN States Must Close Ranks Against China’s SCS Moves
KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia: Aggressive moves by China in the hotly disputed South China Sea (SCS) has raised tensions between it and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) states with claims in the sea, potentially leading to serious blowback against China’s designs in the area.
As West focuses on Ukraine, Taiwan Left Vulnerable
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia-The island of Taiwan may be left alone in the confrontation with China, as the West remains fully focused on supporting Ukraine in the conflict with Russia.
The Failed US Counterterror Approach In Mozambique
WASHINGTON, U.S.-Several private security companies, militaries, and foreign governments, including the United States, have arrived to help quell the growing insurgency in northern Mozambique which has, since 2017, claimed the lives of 4,000 people and caused the displacement of around one million more.
US using Ukraine conflict For Its Own Selfish Goals
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, Washington has intensified its activities aimed at increasing its role in the modern world order and weakening the European Union (EU) as a global player.
Europe Accuses US Of Profiting From War
VIRGINIA, U.S.--Nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West.
When Pipeline Politics Go Boom
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Two stunning explosions deep below the Baltic Sea last month set off one of the greatest whodunits in the long history of US-Russia hostility.
A Russia-Ukraine Exit Strategy
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Russia has entered a war of choice in Ukraine. It was not unexpected but badly under-anticipated in scope, brutality, and impact. It hazards the continent and planet with the specter of a nuclear exchange and has been the generator of immediate global condemnation and pressure.
Biden Administration Kills Israel-to-Europe Gas Pipeline
NEW YORK, U.S.--The Biden administration has abruptly withdrawn American support for the Eastern Mediterranean (EastMed) pipeline, a project aimed at shipping natural gas from Israel to European markets. The White House said the project was antithetical to its "climate goals."