Search result for: "Malaysian Universities"

Who Makes Public Policy In Malaysia?

BANGKOK, Thailand--When Malaysia faced the Asian economic crisis back in 1997, the then Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed called on his old friend Tun Daim Zainuddin to head the National Economic Action Council (NEAC) set up under the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) to find a solution through the National Economic Recovery Plan (NERP). 

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Sexual harassment is rampant in Malaysian universities

With more allegations of sexual harassment, university authorities around Malaysia appear to be turning a blind eye towards what appears to be a growing incidence of sexual harassment throughout their respective institutions. This appears to be a growing problem, however very few statistics exist, and most cases are not reported.

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Why Malaysian university research still has a long way to go

Malaysia is spending about 5.9% of GDP on education and 1.13% of GDP on research and development. However as at 2014, no Malaysian universities have made the top 100 of the THES global or Asian university rankings, or QS World University Rankings. This is in great contrast to universities with a similar start-up time frame in Singapore, Hong Kong, China, India, and even Saudi Arabia, making the top 100 in the Asian rankings over the last few years.

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Why there is no academic freedom in Malaysia

The Malaysian Government is trying to develop the country into an education hub. Most universities seek awards of excellence and to get their institutions into the rankings.
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