Search result for: "PMO"

MIER Is No More?

With the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) no longer publishing critical reports like the Consumer Sentiments Index (CSI) and Business Conditions Index (BCI)
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Long established Think-Think On Brink Of Collapse?

IPOH, Malaysia: It all started out when a long established think-tank tried to reinvent itself as a consultancy in the hope of earning big bucks. One must discern the nuanced roles of the research institute or think tank and the consultancy. Think of them as distinct players in the orchestra of knowledge and problem-solving.
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Penang South Islands (PSI) Project Shows Ineptitude Of National Planning

BANGKOK, Thailand-The controversial Penang South Island (PSI) project exposes some of the weaknesses of the national economic and infrastructure planning framework. Instead of conceptualizing and developing projects that directly benefit communities, those in charge of the national planning processes are pushing projects that end up benefiting corporations, over communities.

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Has Anwar Begun His Own Version Of Ops Lalang?

BANGKOK, Thailand-Since the Anwar administration came to power, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has been extremely busy since the chief commissioner Azam Baki made a visit to Anwar’s office with a bunch of files, soon after Anwar was sworn in as PM.

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Wan Junaidi: A steady hand and unsung reformist

Law minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar has been in the news a lot recently but unlike many other politicians who are the subject of media coverage

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Unintended Consequences: A Heyday For The Geopolitics Of Eurasian Transport

SINGAPORE CITY, Singapore--When Russia invaded Ukraine, it took itself off the map of Eurasian transport corridors linking China and Europe. At the same time, it breathed new life into moribund routes that would allow goods to travel across the Eurasian landmass without traversing Russia. It also opened the door to greater Russian connectivity with the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia.

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The Dark Forces Changing Malaysian Society

BANGKOK, Thailand--Malaysia was once a harmonious society, where the different ethnic groups coexisted with a sense of community, and each ethnic group once openly celebrated festivals together. All the ethnic groups were free to express their cultures, and practice their religions without interference. Malaysia had a strong and stable government with a working multi-racial coalition. All of the nation’s citizens were once proud to be Malaysian.

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5-Year Plan

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--The Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul, just like his predecessors, has invited the public to provide input in the preparation of the 12th 5-Year Plan. Good PR work. Malaysia modelled its economic planning on the Chinese and Russian model, and they called it the 5-Year Plan .
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Power and Corruption within Malaysia’s Leadership

Former Attorney General Tommy Thomas in his recent book, “My Story: Justice in the Wilderness,” suggested that big-time corruption in the Malaysian polity sprang up during the Tun Abdul Razak era – 1970-1976 – that a secret or covert space in government appeared, out of sight of any scrutiny.

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