Search result for: "SEANWFZ"

ASEAN Perlu Reformasi Strategik

ASEAN mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dan bersejarah, tetapi prinsip dan tunjang utama yang dipamerkan sering kali gagal menimbulkan keyakinan baharu dalam menghadapi ancaman geopolitik yang kian meruncing
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Malaysia's Bid For BRICS Membership Signals Major Policy Failure For US

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia: Recent disturbing developments are putting the Malaysia-US relationship in the harshest possible light, undermining security and diplomatic efforts in keeping the South China Sea (SCS) an area of free navigation while solidifying China's control in what was formerly a key US ally in the region.
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ASEAN Must Oppose China’s Nuclearisation Of South China Sea

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia--China’s aggressive militarisation of the South China Sea (SCS) is well-known and widely condemned by the ASEAN littoral states that border the sea but Beijing’s belligerent ways are not merely confined to island building, illegal fishing and territorial intrusions.
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Having Secured Third Term, Xi’s Belligerence Grows Unrestrained

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Having secured a fresh mandate from the Chinese Communist Party, President Xi Jin Ping is expected to take an increasingly militaristic posture in its disputes in a misguided attempt to demonstrate the country’s supposed military might.

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AUKUS: Restoring the Regional Balance of Power

The recent announcement in Washington of a new tripartite alliance between Australia, the UK, and the US – the awkward acronym AUKUS) – aimed at containing China in the Pacific, is now causing Malaysia and some of its Southeast Asian neighbors to finally face some hard truths about the prevailing regional geopolitical situation.

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