Search result for: "Tesla"
China Hits Out At EU Over EV Draft Findings, Warns Damage To Ties
Wall Street Sell-Off Exposes Financial Parasitism
Will China Soon Control Both Elon Musk And SpaceX?
Time To Pull The Plug On Forced Electric Vehicles
State Elections The Occasion For Inaugurating A New Season Of Brave – Rather Than Populistic – Policies.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:Voters in the states of Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Kedah, Kelantan, and Terengganu will head to the polls on Aug 12. According to the Center for Market Education (CME), state elections are a good opportunity to propose economic reforms that may be beneficial for the country as a whole.
2023: The Global Capitalist Crisis And The Growing Offensive Of The International Working Class
MICHIGAN, U.S.-The celebration of the beginning of the New Year will be brief. The old year has passed into history, but its crises persist and will intensify. As 2023 begins, the COVID-19 pandemic is entering its fourth year with no end in sight. The US-NATO war against Russia continues to escalate.
Foreign Firms Refute ‘Investor Flight’ Hype; Temporary Disruptions Do Not Represent Long-Term Outlook
BEIJING, China--Stringent anti-epidemic measures adopted in some key Chinese cities including Shanghai and Beijing, in hopes of curbing the rapid spread Omicron variant and bringing back sound bounce after a temporary economic shock, may inevitably hurt some foreign firms' performance, yet some Western media outlets are exaggerating the situation, hyping the "investor flight" theory, warning that such measures will result in a large-scale retreat of foreign firms and undermine China's attractiveness in the long run, which Chinese experts and industry players have dismissed.