Search result for: "The Group of Seven (G7)"

Asia-Pacific And World Order On The Cusp Of Change

Asia- Pacific leaders will discover - as Australians are finding with AUKUS - that the price for being deputy sheriff to the US will cost them and the coming generation more than just an exorbitant monetary sum
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G7 To Fuel Conflict With More Military Support To Kiev But Sustainability Of Such Aids In Question

BEIJING, China--Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) convened a virtual meeting on Tuesday on supporting Ukraine following the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Chinese observers believe that the West, eyeing a prolonged proxy war to exhaust Russia, would continue to fan the flames by providing Ukraine with more weapons and should be blamed for the current rising tensions.

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G7 Exposes Aim To Mess Up HK With Its Actions

BEIJING, China--The foreign ministers of the Group of Seven (G7), together with the High Representatives of the European Union (EU), made a statement on Monday attacking the recent Hong Kong Legislative Council elections.

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