Search result for: "UN Convention on the Law of the Sea"

ASEAN Statement On South China Sea: The Right Step Forward

MANILA. Philippines: In what is seen by many as an unprecedented move, the foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) issued a stand-alone statement expressing concern about the developments in the South China Sea and reaffirming “the shared commitment to maintaining and promoting peace, security and stability in the region” where tension has been growing over conflicting claims in the South China Sea.
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Beijing's Dangerous Flirtation With Hard Power Intimidation

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The  2023 China Standard Map issued by the country's Ministry of Natural Resources  has raised the ire of many countries including India and Malaysia is not a new playbook by Beijing, as this has been ongoing for years.
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AUKUS: Restoring the Regional Balance of Power

The recent announcement in Washington of a new tripartite alliance between Australia, the UK, and the US – the awkward acronym AUKUS) – aimed at containing China in the Pacific, is now causing Malaysia and some of its Southeast Asian neighbors to finally face some hard truths about the prevailing regional geopolitical situation.

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