Search result for: "UN General Assembly"
Investing In Clean Air Can Saves Lives And Combat Climate Change
Human Ingenuity Can Help To Save Nature, Guterres Appeals On World Wildlife Day
The End Of The Netanyahu Doctrine
WASHINGTON, US: The events of recent days are unprecedented. The last time units of Jewish and Palestinian fighters — military or paramilitary — went to battle on such a broad front in Israel-Palestine was in 1948.
Malaysia's Missed Opportunity At The UN
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The participation of Malaysia in the recently concluded UN General Assembly, while laden with high hopes and expectations on the returns on the country’s economic and soft power revival, remains a missed opportunity for a bigger showcase of the country’s global return in role, impact and influence.
Are China’s South China Sea Assurances Worth Anything?
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The latest edition of the China Standard Map – which reiterates China’s claims to almost all of the South China Sea including parts of Malaysia – has rightly increased concerns across the region.
Russian Foreign Minister Hits Out At West’s ‘Empire Of Lies’
NEW YORK, US: Russia’s Foreign Minister told the UN General Assembly on Saturday that a new world order is being born through a struggle between a neocolonial minority and a “global majority” seeking to end decades of Western domination.
World Order Without Twisting Arms And UN Protection
World Tuberculosis Day: WHO Ramps Up Initiative To Combat Killer Disease
NEW YORK, U.S.-For the first time in more than a decade, the number of people dying from tuberculosis (TB) rose last year due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, conflicts and other crises, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday.
New Agenda Sets Sail With Bold Action As UN Water Conference Closes
NEW YORK, U.S.-The UN 2023 Water Conference closed on Friday with the adoption of the Water Action Agenda, a “milestone” action plan containing almost 700 commitments to protect “humanity’s most precious global common good”.
UN Delegates Reach Historic Agreement On Protecting Marine Biodiversity In International Waters
NEW YORK, U.S.-Secretary-General António Guterres has congratulated UN member countries for finalizing a text to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, calling it a “breakthrough” after nearly two decades of talks.
China Urges Russia-Ukraine Ceasefire, Offers Path To Peace In Position Paper
BEIJING, China-On the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine military conflict, China restated its calls for political settlement of the Ukraine crisis with more specific plans that accommodate the concerns of both Russia and Ukraine, in a neutral and consistent manner.
Guterres Urges Vigilance Against Violent Extremism
NEW YORK, U.S.-With extremist groups expanding their reach, the international community cannot let up its guard against terrorism, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Sunday.
Build ‘Alliance Of Peace’ On International Day Of Human Fraternity
NEW YORK, U.S.-On the occasion of the International Day of Human Fraternity, observed on Saturday, the UN chief called for renewed commitment to forge an “alliance of peace” amid a surge in hate speech, sectarianism and strife.
‘Dramatically’ Evolving Conflict Highlights Importance Of Multilateralism, Security Council Hears
NEW YORK, U.S.--Inter-State wars, terrorism, divided collective security, and peacekeeping limitations remain the same challenges facing multilateralism as when the UN was founded 76 years ago, Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Wednesday.
Harris' Philippine Visit Aims At ‘Fanning Flames’
BEIJING, China--US Vice President Kamala Harris is visiting the Philippines, and one of the itineraries has been made an issue of by American public opinion. She plans to go to Palawan on Tuesday, an island province which is close to China's Nansha Islands and is called by the US media "the frontline of the Philippines' territorial dispute with Beijing over the South China Sea."
China Urges US To End Economic, Commercial And Financial Embargo Against Cuba
BEIJING, China--China has urged the US to immediately and fully end its economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba and has decided to vote again to support the draft resolution submitted by Cuba on this issue, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian when asked to comment on Wednesday's UN General Assembly, in which most countries including China opposed the US' embargo against Cuba.
Serbian President Questions Double Standards Over Territorial Integrity
BEIJING , China--Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday questioned double standards practiced by certain countries over the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states.
The Chagossians Want Their Islands Back
WASHINGTON, U.S.--When Olivier Bancoult boarded the ship that was to take him 1,000 miles across the Indian Ocean to the Chagos Archipelago—his childhood home, from which he and his fellow islanders had been expelled 50 years earlier—he carried five wrought-iron crosses.
ASEAN’s New Math: Washington Should Think Addition, Not Subtraction
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Is the U.S. strategy of reducing Russian and (especially) Chinese influence in Southeast Asia working? If the recent summit with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) leaders in Washington is any indication, the answer has to be a no.