Search result for: "UNESCO"

Human Rights, Free Press Are Inseparable

SEOUL, South Korea-On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, 158 people gathered to commemorate this important date.
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World Order Without Twisting Arms And UN Protection

NEW YORK, U.S.-The current crisis in the world signals that the US hegemony has come to an end and there is a chance to switch to a fair and democratic multipolar world order, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday at the general debate during the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.
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Heritage Grave Demolished: Dereliction Of Duty?

GEORGETOWN, Malaysia--Which of these two is a real treasure worth preserving for its history and educational value, as a tourist attraction, and most of all, as an irreplaceable legacy of the Pearl of the Orient, Penang?

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Ocean Literacy And Unlocking A Revolution In Ocean Science Solutions

NEW YORK, U.S.--The ocean holds the keys to an equitable and sustainable development path for all. This is the premise behind the UN Ocean Decade and it will be in the spotlight during several major international summits this year to promote ocean health, including the UN Ocean Conference, which is set to open soon in Lisbon, Portugal.

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