Search result for: "UNICEF"

Childhood Immunization Levels Stalled In 2023

NEW YORK, US: New data published by UN agencies shows that immunization coverage for children worldwide stalled during 2023, leaving around 2.7 million lacking the protection they need compared to the pre-COVID-19 levels of 2019.
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Haiti’s Health System Pushed To Breaking Point: UNICEF

NEW YORK, US: Haiti’s health system is now “on the verge of collapse” UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative in Haiti Bruno Maes warned on Wednesday, amidst an alarming decrease in the number of hospitals still functioning in the violence-wracked Caribbean nation.
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Madagascar: Coordination, Convergence And Change From The Grass Roots Up

NEW YORK, US: How can people be best supported during humanitarian crises with limited aid budgets and what can be done to help those same people break out of the cycle of dependency caused by multiple crises and move towards more sustainable development?
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War And Health Crisis In Gaza A ‘Recipe For Epidemics’ Warns WHO

NEW YORK, US: The thousands of injuries sustained by civilians across Gaza combined with a burgeoning public health crisis is a ‘recipe for epidemics’, the World Health Organization’s emergency response director said on Monday.
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African Children Bearing The Brunt Of Climate Change Impacts

NEW YORK, US: Children in Africa are among the most at risk from climate change impacts but are being woefully deprived of the financing necessary to help them adapt, survive and respond to the crisis, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a new report on Friday.

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Governments Urged To Strengthen Child Social Protection

NEW YORK, U.S.-The number of children worldwide without access to social protection continues to rise, putting them at risk of poverty, hunger and discrimination, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a report published on Wednesday.

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Eight Trends That Will Impact Children In 2023

NEW YORK, U.S.-A series of interconnected crises are expected to have a huge impact on children in 2023. A report from the UN children’s agency (UNICEF), released on Tuesday, details the trends that will shape their lives over the next 12 months.

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Poorest Learners Benefit Least From Public Education

NEW YORK, U.S.-Governments are not investing enough in those children who need education the most, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a report published on Tuesday, calling for equitable financing to combat “learning poverty”.

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UNICEF targets 35,000 children with prevention program in Gombe

LAGOS, Nigeria--The United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has disclosed plans to reach 35,000 children with its newly introduced Progressing Action on Resilient System for Nutrition through Innovation and Partnership (PARSNIP) programme in Gombe.

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Reimagine justice and end child detentions: UNICEF

NEW YORK, U.S.--More than 45,000 boys and girls were released from detention during the COVID-19 pandemic, proving that child-friendly justice solutions “are more than possible”, according to new data released on Monday by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

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The Numbers In Parliament? Here Are Other Numbers That Also Matter

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--We have witnessed so much political drama over the last couple of weeks – from the abrupt suspension of the special sitting of Parliament in late July to Umno’s withdrawal of support for the Perikatan National (PN) government.

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Decriminalisation of suicide - The government must act now

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Suicides and attempted suicides appear to be yet another critical global public health issue. Many countries the world over has seen a climb in the number of suicides and attempted suicides over the last 2 years.
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