Search result for: "Universiti Malaya"

ASEAN Perlu Reformasi Strategik

ASEAN mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dan bersejarah, tetapi prinsip dan tunjang utama yang dipamerkan sering kali gagal menimbulkan keyakinan baharu dalam menghadapi ancaman geopolitik yang kian meruncing
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Persaingan Blok Dan Masa Depan PBB

Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (United Nations General Assembly atau UNGA) ke-79 yang baru sahaja selesai tidak memberikan impak yang signifikan terhadap senario konflik global
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The Bloc Divide And The Future Of The UN

The recently concluded 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) provided little to no credible impact on the growing dire global conflict scenarios
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Perluasan Pengaruh Dan Impak Pakatan Quad

Sidang Kemuncak Quad yang dihoskan oleh Presiden Biden pada 21 September di Delaware kekal sebagai tonggak utama dan simbol daya tahan dan kekuatan Quad
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The Quad’s New Staying Power

The Quad Summit hosted by outgoing President Biden in Delaware on September 21 remains a cornerstone and symbol of the Quad’s resilience and strength
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India’s Renewed Focus On The Indo-Pacific

: India Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Brunei and Singapore signified the consolidation of the Act East Policy, further strengthening the focus on the Indo Pacific and Southeast Asia
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Strategi Baharu Moscow Pikat Malaysia Dan Kuasa Serantau

Forum Ekonomi Timur ke-9 Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) di Vladivostok mencipta dinamik kuasa baharu serantau, dan mencerminkan niat strategik Rusia untuk memperkukuhkan lagi pengaruhnya dalam domain Global South dan kuasa-kuasa baharu dalam blok bukan Barat
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Putin’s New Regional Friend-shoring And Courting Of Malaysia

The 9th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok creates new power dynamics and reflects the strategic intent by Russia to further bolster its weight and extended influence in the Global South and emerging powers in the non Western bloc
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Wellington’s New Regional Friend-shoring

Malaysia - New Zealand ties are in a prime state for elevation, especially amidst the era of greater geopolitical uncertainties and challenges and potential conflicts in the region
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Moscow's New Arctic And Indo-Pacific Push

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Malaysia on 27 July marks an extension of the larger objective and plans for the region for Moscow.
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NATO Beralih Fokus Kepada Beijing Dan Indo-Pasifik

Sambutan ulang tahun ke-75 Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO) pada awal bulan Julai telah mencetuskan perdebatan baharu mengenai kepentingan dan skop masa depan NATO
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A Month Of New Power Flexing

Regional moves to expand power influence and friendshoring efforts have been intensifying
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