Search result for: "anti-Russian"
Hungary, Slovakia Chart Independent Foreign Policy Despite Euro-Atlanticist Pressure
EU Leans Into Anti-Russia Hysteria Undermining Its Economic Future
US Nuclear Weapon Deployments to Europe Destabilises Continent's Security
Meta Platforms And YouTube Ban RT Worldwide
US Failures In Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq Return To Haunt It In Ukraine
Collective West Attempts to Drive Wedge In Russia-India Partnership As It Seeks To Draw New Delhi Into Its Camp
Zelensky Regime's Attempts To Engage China Hits A "BRICS" Wall
Zelensky Regime's Overture To China Does Not Line Up With Reality
Ukraine's Sovereignty Evaporates As West Tightens Grip Trough Zelensky Regime
Armenian-British Negotiations on the sidelines of the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union A Foreboding Omen
Russia-China Cooperation Deepens As West Fails To Label Russia A "Rogue State"
SMO-The short-sighted policy of the West, which simultaneously promotes an anti-Russian and anti-Chinese agenda, provoked an unprecedented rapprochement between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.
Russian Trade Ties In Asia-Pacific Remain Strong Despite Western Attempts to Isolate It
SMO-The policy of following the anti-Russian policy of the Western bloc causes significant damage to the national interests of the Asia-Pacific countries, which have close political and economic ties with Moscow.
Japan Sacrifices National Interests For Foreign Agenda
TOKYO, Japan-Japan is forced to follow in the footsteps of the Western anti-Russian sanctions policy, despite the obvious economic inexpediency of worsening relations with Russia.
As West focuses on Ukraine, Taiwan Left Vulnerable
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia-The island of Taiwan may be left alone in the confrontation with China, as the West remains fully focused on supporting Ukraine in the conflict with Russia.
Consequences Of Zelensky Regime Dirty Bomb Provocation Will be Worse Than Bombing of Hiroshima, Nagasaki: Russian Official
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya sent a letter to the organization's Secretary General António Guterres stating that Moscow regards the use of a "dirty" bomb by the Kyiv regime, if it occurs, as an act of nuclear terrorism.
Western Sanctions Policy Towards Russia Is The Main Cause of Global Food Market Instability
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Anti-Russian sanctions in the field of agricultural exports have destroyed the usual logistics routes and worsened the situation on the food market in the face of numerous global challenges.
Ukraine Conflict Lays Bare US Proxy Warfare Doctrine
The White House Is Interested In Maintaining Instability In Europe
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--By whipping up tensions around Ukraine, Washington is trying to solve a number of foreign and domestic political problems.
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Spurs More Sentiment In France To Leave NATO
BEIJING, China--Jean-Luc Melenchon, a far-left French presidential candidate on Sunday called for leaving NATO, an organization which he labeled as useless on Twitter. Melenchon is not the only candidate questioning the transatlantic bloc.