Search result for: "artificial intelligence (AI)"

Wall Street Sell-Off Exposes Financial Parasitism

The gyrations on Wall Street and global markets underscore the extreme fragility of the world financial system due to speculation and financial parasitism, which have been sustained by the pumping of cheap money from the US Federal Reserve and other central banks
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How AI Will Impact Deterrence

WASHINGTON, US: In the realm of defense and security, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to transform the practices of deterrence and coercion, having at least three complementary effects on power, perception, and persuasion calculations among states.
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Malaysia’s Growing Role In Shifting Power Game In Chip Industry

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Semiconductors are critical components found in everything from smartphones to automobiles, have regained their critical importance in global geopolitical contests and are at the forefront of the US – China rivalry on technology and supremacy in the power equation.
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The Demise Of Traditional Journalism

BANGKOK, Thailand: Back in the 1960s and 70s, the media was referred to as ‘The Fourth Estate’. The media played a role as a check and balance against government abuse of power, corruption, and overreach. The media was an integral part of any healthy democracy.
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AIR - Isu Rakyat

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Saya sudah lama bawa isu air bersih di Malaysia sejak hampir sepuluh tahun yang lalu sehingga saya pernah disaman oleh syarikat bekalan air kerana saya telah mengkritik perkhidmatan air yang diberikan oleh mereka kepada rakyat. 
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Is The World Ready For The New Era Of Deterrence?

WASHINGTON, U.S.--The twenty-first century will challenge the concept of deterrence in new ways. Some are already apparent. There are at least nine important components of the new metaverse for deterrence (or meta-deterrence) that will be significant for military planners, policymakers, and theorists.

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What The Midterms Mean For U.S.-China Tech Competition

MICHIGAN, U.S.--Technological competition with China was not an issue on most voters’ minds during the 2022 midterm elections. The resilience of American democratic institutions, however, was frequently linked to these elections. This connection has implications for long-term technological competition between the United States and China.

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China's New Way of War

NEW YORK, U.S.--Since 2019, China has been pursuing a new concept of war, known as "intelligentized warfare." The idea is to operationalize artificial intelligence (AI) and the use of unmanned platforms (such as drones) in a way that subdues the enemy, ultimately without having to resort to conventional "hot" warfare. According to the 2019 Annual Report to Congress, "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China," written by the Office of the Secretary of Defense:

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