Search result for: "asia"

Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon

As geopolitical tensions escalate, the U.S. wields its most formidable weapon—not military might, but a sophisticated network of political and informational control that reshapes nations and regions to serve its interests
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Sinergi Strategik Baharu Antara Vietnam Dan Malaysia

Lawatan rasmi Yang Berhormat To Lam, Pemimpin Parti Komunis Vietnam ke Malaysia yang baharu berakhir mencipta suntikan baharu dalam hubungan Hanoi-Kuala Lumpur yang telah berakar dalam persahabatan sejarah dan saling bergantung secara strategik
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New Strategic Synergy Between Vietnam And Malaysia

The official visit by His Excellency To Lam, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam to Malaysia creates a new chapter of Hanoi-Kuala Lumpur ties
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