Search result for: "islamization"

France: Political Chaos

Paris. June 9. 8pm. The results of the European Parliament elections were made public. in In France, the party of President Emmanuel Macron garnered 14.6% of the vote, 8 points less than in 2019; the French population had turned away from Macron
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Immigration: Global Election Issue

HONG KONG, SAR: Spoken or not, the issue of migration is an overt or covert issue for much of the politics of the world today, especially in a year with elections scheduled in eight of the world's 10 most populous nations.
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Why Are Islamists Claiming Non-Muslim Land?

NEW YORK, US: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan keeps increasingly referring to places outside Turkey as "our lands." In his statement following the presidential cabinet meeting on November 20, Erdogan said:
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Bangladesh Promises Minority Panel Ahead Of National Poll

HONG KONG, China: The Bangladesh government has agreed to establish a commission to protect the interests of its religious minorities -- Buddhists, Christians and Hindus -- two days after the country's largest forum of religious minorities launched a hunger strike.
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Hadi’s Antics Are Aimed At Winning The Youth Vote

BANGKOK, Thailand-Parti Islam Se-Malaysia president Abdul Hadi Awang’s latest antics are causing a ruckus in Malaysian politics. Many are claiming these are the beginnings of an extremist uprising, out of disappointment of not becoming the legitimate federal government of Malaysia.

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Is There A Malaysian Deep State?

BANGKOK, Thailand--There has been much discussion about the existence of a deep state within Malaysia. This essay looks at its components. The deep state is not a unified and coordinated mechanism. It is heterogeneous and diverse. It is probably only bound together by a common narrative, sometimes interpreted differently. At different points of time, different aspects of this deep state exercise more power over the others. Other times, there is even conflict between the various elements.

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The Lost Malaysian Dream: The Struggle To Revive Multi-Culturalism

BANGKOK, Thailand--The Tourism Malaysian highlights Malaysia’s ethnic diversity as a unique strength. The website proudly espouses Malaysia as the only “one place where all the colours, flavours and sights of Asia come together.”  

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How The Malay Elite Hijacked Malaysia

BANGKOK, Thailand--With the United Malays National Organisation, or UMNO back in political power with a firm and dominating position to the other Malay-centric political parties, kleptocratic practises are on the rise once again.  

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Germany's Multicultural Suicide

NEW YORK, U.S.--"Western hegemony is over," said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently. "It lasted centuries, but it is over".

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The Dark Forces Changing Malaysian Society

BANGKOK, Thailand--Malaysia was once a harmonious society, where the different ethnic groups coexisted with a sense of community, and each ethnic group once openly celebrated festivals together. All the ethnic groups were free to express their cultures, and practice their religions without interference. Malaysia had a strong and stable government with a working multi-racial coalition. All of the nation’s citizens were once proud to be Malaysian.

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Who is Anwar Ibrahim?

There has been no other politician in Malaysia who is as polarizing as Anwar Ibrahim. People will usually strongly support him, or strongly dislike him. He has been accused of being a chameleon, telling different audiences, different things, an opportunist, seeking the prime ministerial position, and ‘the boy who cried wolf’, with his aspersions about having a parliamentary majority to takeover government, on a number of occasions.
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Muhyiddin’s new tool to shore up power: University Boards

Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s continuing effort to stay in power has resulted in the appointment of 35-odd politicians and ex-politicians to the boards of directors of the country’s 20 public universities, a position that carries basic financial reward and allowances but plenty of prestige.
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