Search result for: "USA"

US Hypocritically Moves To Grab Territory In Arctic

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: US claims to new territories in the Arctic are a “grab,” said Bloomberg columnist Liam Denning, commenting on Washington’s decision to announce the expansion of its own part of the continental shelf in the Arctic. 
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BRICS: Kuasa Baharu Atau Potensi Merudum?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: BRICS ialah organisasi antara kerajaan (intergovernmental organisation) yang ditubuhkan pada 2006 yang terdiri daripada Brazil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan, yang pada asalnya dijadualkan untuk memupuk hubungan ekonomi dan dialog politik yang lebih mendalam di kalangan negara anggota.
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Iran Moves Into Somalia

After six months of Iran using its Houthi Jihadis to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying Biden to do anything about it, the Islamic global terror state is moving on to a Somali blockade.
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The Deplorable Situation Of Migrant Workers In Malaysia

Parti Sosialis Malaysia is somewhat bemused with the jubilation in Madani Government circles following the recent upgrade of Malaysia from Tier 2 Watch List on Trafficking in Persons assessment to Tier 2 by the US Department of State.
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The Secret Deal That Freed Julian Assange

Inside the secret deal that freed Julian Assange: The extraordinary behind closed doors negotiations and legal lifeline that led to WikiLeaks founder's surprise release
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Russia Outlines New National Development Goals

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: On May 7, President Putin signed a decree on the national development goals of Russia until 2030 and for the future until 2036. There are seven of them in total, and each goal is designed to “improve the well-being and quality of life of Russian families,” he noted in his inaugural speech.
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America's Enemies At Home And Abroad

NEW YORK, US: Who are these people who love America so much, who are so grateful for the freedoms they can have only in America, that they cannot wait to take them away?
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Making Peace The Only Pathway To Preserve Ukraine's Statehood

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Successful actions of the Russian Armed Forces, heavy losses and retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a number of key areas, delays in the supply of Western weapons and military equipment lead to an increase in pessimism in Ukrainian society.
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Washington Is Not Telling Truth About The Gaza Pier

WASHINGTON, US: The Biden administration wants you to believe the U.S. is leading international efforts to get humanitarian relief into Gaza and that supplies are “flowing to Palestinians” via the military’s pier operation there.
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Semikonduktor Malaysia Sandaran Kelebihan Geopolitik

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Strategi Semikonduktor Nasional (NSS) Malaysia dalam membangunkan industri semikonduktor, yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri  merupakan satu langkah yang strategik dan kritikal dalam melonjak kepentingan sektor penting ini bagi pulangan berangkai kepada negara.
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Indonesian President In Damage Control Over New Capital

JAKARTA, Indonesia: Indonesia's president is rushing to reassure investors and bureaucrats about his $32 billion new capital city in a malaria-prone pocket of Borneo, after the resignations of two officials overseeing the plan raised fresh doubts about its future.
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Cerita Sebenar Kampung Sri Makmur

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan media daripada pihak Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) bertarikh 27 Mei 2024 dan Setiausaha Politik Menteri Besar Selangor, En Rahim Kasdi, bertarikh 2 Jun 2024.
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