
Amid Israel-Iran Strikes, International Law Is Eroding

WASHINGTON, US: Few international norms are as strongly upheld as the Vienna Conventions covering consular and diplomatic relations—a bedrock of international law outlining protections for foreign embassies and their staff. Yet, as the last seven months of war between Israel and Hamas are proving, international norms are taking a beating, culminating in an Israeli strike on an Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus on April 2.
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Leader Of Sri Lanka’s Opposition JVP Party Visits India

MICHIGAN, US: Anura Kumara Dissanayake, leader of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and its parliamentary front, the National People’s Power (NPP), travelled to India on Monday for an official five-day visit. He was accompanied by MP and JVP propaganda secretary Vijitha Herath, NPP secretary Dr. Nihal Abeysinghe and Professor Anil Jayantha.


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ASEAN Must Change Or Face Irrelevance

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:The 42nd ASEAN Summit and related meetings in Indonesia earlier this month (May 10-11) took place at the most critical crossroads for the immediate and long-term relevance of ASEAN and its role in the region and beyond.

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Johari Ghani: A New Deal For Kuala Lumpur?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia-- As the current campaign for GE 15 unfolds one can see the flags of the various parties and their candidates seeking to form the next government being placed anywhere that space allows it.

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UN Security Council Boosts Commitment To Fight Digital Terror

NEW YORK, U.S.--A two-day meeting of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee in India has ended with the adoption of a document committing Member States to prevent and combat digital forms of terror, notably using drones, social media, and online terrorist financing.

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Why Germany’s Pursuit Of Peace In Ukraine Is Paralyzed

WASHINGTON, U.S.--There are growing fears that the energy shortages and price rises resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, European Union sanctions against Russia, and Russian cuts in gas supplies could lead to something approaching the “de-industrialisation” of Europe, as factories with high and inflexible energy needs shut down or relocate to other parts of the world.

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Tiba Masa Wisma Putra Bentang Kertas Putih Dasar Luar Yang Lebih Efektif

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) merujuk kepada keputusan undian Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia PBB semalam yang secara undian menolak usul untuk mendebatkan Resolusi PBB dan Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia yang menyatakan wujud jenayah kemanusiaan yang dilakukan Kerajaan China terhadap etnik Uyghur.

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Merdeka Day Precursor Quadrangular Hash Run

KUALA LUMPUR: Age proved to be no barrier for a buñch of senior citizens to keep themselves fit and healthy through regular fun-walks or runs.

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The Silence Is Deafening!

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--I was not surprised at last Tuesday’s decision and the sideshow that followed on Thursday and Friday.

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Gas Turbine Power Generation: A Force That Cannot Be Ignored

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--“We call on all countries to actively optimise policies in the areas of national policies, industry access, industry chain development and technology sharing, create favourable conditions for the development of the gas turbine power generation industry, and achieve the goal of optimising energy mix and low-carbon development.” 

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LCS, Even Our Nation’s Security Is Pawned!

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Malaysians will only be surprised if there is a lull in breaking news about scams or scandals. I am not talking about the macau, nigerian or love scams, but by those in authority governing the country. 
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Will China Shoot Down Explorers To The Moon?

NEW YORK, U.S.--"This is not the first time that the NASA administrator has lashed out at China in disregard of facts," said Zhao Lijian, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, at his July 4 regular press briefing. "Some U.S. officials have spoken irresponsibly to misrepresent the normal and legitimate space endeavors of China. China firmly rejects such remarks."

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